Looking for an emo haircut, I have dark brown hair, its real long too. Im looking for an emo haircut thats not too short, and my mom will accept. Urls will be very helpfull.
Emo Haircuts???
You'll want to try the Famous Times Six Website: http://www.famoust6.net.tc/
They sell authentic hair extensions with stripes made from real human hair. I buy all my hair from there!
They have a lot of colours to choose from too.
clip in coon tail striped hair extensions are best because-
- you don't ruin your hair with dye
- they don't grow out
- you can put them in and take them off
- they can last you forever
- they're cheap
- they look like the real thing
- they wont go all frizzy and weird like real hair does when it's dyed, it'll just look like part of your hair.
- You can change your look really easily
-won't go against any school or work dress codes as you can take them out!
Emo Haircuts???
Hayley of Paramore has really awesome hair. You obviously don't have to do the red hair and stuff, but, her haircut is really awesome. Or just look up "scene hair" or "emo hair" on photobucket. I also love Audrey Kitching's hair and Hanna Beth's.
Emo Haircuts???
This man is my emo hero.
Other than that you are asking the wrong person!
Emo Haircuts???
how abowt this one?
Emo Haircuts???
ok well i have wanted my fair share of emo cuts and i also have brown hair so get bangs like alex evans
then spike it up
also wear small bows up high..i do it alot it looks pretty cool with spikey hair thats looong
Emo Haircuts???
well my opinion is that you should but like oil in you hair and then after put on a beanie then turn it wich ever way you want your hair to go and wait for a couple of hours then take off the beanie
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